The operational management of various business process activities can be modeled and managed as a timeline with milestones and associated notification and other action rules. 各种业务流程活动的运营管理可以作为一个带有多个里程碑、关联通知和其他动作规则的时间轴建模并管理。
The most obvious notification point for the submitter is the submit action. 对于提交者来说,最明显的布告就是提交动作。
If the corresponding stop button is then pressed a StateChange notification is generated and a Restart action is invoked to get the application back to the running state, as discussed previously. 如果按下相应的停止按钮,会产生一个StateChange通知消息,并且会调用一个Restart动作,将应用程序恢复到运行状态,这一点在前面已经讲到了。
Events ( notification to a monitoring system reflecting changes in state or the execution of some action). 事件(event)(向监视系统发出的通知,反映状态改变或者一些操作的执行)。
However, for those people who have not replied to the system's opt-in request notification, sent by e-mail or other ways, they are classified as No action users. 然而,对于那些未回复系统通过e-mail或其他方式发送的opt-in请求通知的用户,将被划分为无动作用户。
You will receive a notification whenever the user's action creates an event. 那么无论这个用户什么时候发生制造事件,您都会收到一个通告。
Notification: The notification message sent by this milestone action. Notification:由这个里程碑动作发送的通知消息。
Component is used for notification purposes only, to alert users that an action or event has occurred or there has been a change in status of some sort. 组件仅用于通知目的,以提醒用户发生了某一操作或事件,或发生了某种状态更改。
Event to receive notification before a new browser window is opened, allowing you to cancel the action if necessary. 事件以在打开新浏览器窗口前接收通知,从而允许您在必要时取消操作。
From within your application you can add handlers for the events and provide notification to your users or take some specific action. 在应用程序内部,您可以添加事件的处理程序,并且向用户提供通知以采取某些特定的操作。
The characteristics of public interest litigation determine that it is a different system from other proceedings, such as the proceeding notification system, the punitive damages system, special prescription of action system and so on. 公益诉讼的特殊性决定其还应有一些有别于其他诉讼的制度,如诉前通知制度、惩罚性赔偿制度、特殊的诉讼时效制度等。